Sludge dewatering will often be required at STP before the ultimate disposal of sludge/biosolids or as a prelude to further treatment or stabilization. Since dewatering processes differ significantly in their ability to reduce the water content of sludges, the ultimate sludge disposal method will generally have a major influence on the dewatering method most suitable for a particular STP. Also of influence will be the characteristics of the sludge requiring dewatering; that is, whether the sludge is raw or digested, whether the sludge contains WAS, or whether the sludge has been previously thickened. Sludge mostly is rich in nutrients and can be used for fertilizing purposes, but sludge also can contaminate toxic organic and inorganic compounds (e.g. heavy metals). In this case, sludge must be treated and disposed of safely and effectively. WATEQ offers full sludge treatment solutions comprising of handling, thickening, dewatering, and sludge drying such as:

  • Sludge Thickeners
  • Belt Filter Press
  • Bag Dryer
  • Screw Drain Thickener
  • Polymer Preparation
  • Centrifuge
  • Solid & Sludge Pump